Image showing a daughter supporting her mother

Support the Kinless

posted in: Christy's Corner | 0
Hot summer days make it hard to spend time outdoors. Older adults can be especially susceptible to heat stroke, heat exhaustion and sunburn. This past month we spent time hosting UV awareness and sun safety programs and activities, with the goal of keeping Fellowship House residents safe from the sun’s rays and recommendations to limit time in the hot humid air.Our dedicated and knowledgeable staff work tirelessly each day in support of empowering the 850 residents living at our properties. We work in partnership with families to understand the needs of our residents and how to connect them to resources within the community. For some of our residents, we’re all they have.A recent report published by the Advisory Board acknowledged that nearly one million seniors are “kinless,” meaning they have no heirs, brothers, sisters or spouses they can rely on. Some of those “kinless” seniors live at Fellowship House.No matter their need or challenge, Fellowship Square prides itself on putting our residents first and remembering that they are in charge of their well-being. Unlike an assisted living facility or nursing home, Fellowship Square is an independent living community where residents are treated with respect and dignity while at the same time providing them the supportive services they need to continue to be as self-sufficient as possible.None of this happens without your support and involvement. Whether for the “kinless” seniors or those who have an extensive family, every older adult wants to see a friendly face and a helpful attitude. We welcome your involvement as a volunteer, community partner, donor or other supporter who can help us carry out our mission. Join us today and put a smile on aging faces!
In gratitude,
Christy ZeitzCEO