Community Partners & Supporters

About Fellowship Square
Fellowship Square is one of the leading providers of affordable housing and services to low-income seniors, owning 670 units (240 of them jointly) in the DC Metro region and serving more than 850 older adults.
Through HUD funding and vouchers, residents of Fellowship Houses-many of whom live on Social Security or Supplemental Security alone, with an average annual fixed-income of $10,000/year- pay not more than 30% of their income toward their housing costs, including rent and a utility allowance.
Christy’s Corner

Milestone Achieved
Since 1960, Fellowship Square’s purpose has been to provide older adults with an affordable, safe and dignified place to live. This year we’re proud to celebrate 65 years of delivering the kind of housing our founders envisioned.Life was very … Continued

Filled with Christmas Spirit
This time of year fills me with the Christmas spirit. I enjoy celebrating the holidays, seeing friends and family, and bundling up from the cold winter air. I especially love visiting the Fellowship Square properties where residents and staff … Continued